Wednesday, January 7, 2015

After Years Of Getting It Wrong, Stockbridge Finally Gets It Right.

After Years Of Getting It Wrong, Stockbridge Finally Gets It Right.

R.G. Rudy Kelley
Many of my readers are familiar with the saga that has become Stockbridge. Of course I'm referring to the ineptitude of leadership on display at City Hall the past several years, beginning after the defeat of Mayor R. G. "Rudy" Kelley at the polls in 2009, and the death of (arguably) a visionary City Manager, Frank "Ted" Strickland shortly thereafter.
Frank "Ted" Strickland

Throughout the past several years, citizens have been on a roller coaster ride of what may best be described as an old "Twilight Zone" episode, in which the main character is continually caught off guard by strange and unusual events that cannot be explained logically. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention the residents of the county as well, since they have also had to endure the sometimes laughingstock-nature of the politics that have become associated with the city of Stockbridge. Sighs of, “That’s Stankbridge fer-ya!” are quite commonly heard from our neighbors outside the city limits.

So without going into the sordid details and naming names or re-living the past, I just wanted to pen an article that gives readers a little bit of hope! Because I can see a tiny light on the horizon with the recent appointment of Vanessa Holiday, my friend and former opponent during the mayoral race last year.  She was confirmed and reappointed to a position she formerly held: City Clerk for the City of Stockbridge. In my humble opinion, Mayor Thompson and the current City Council members have all displayed an amazing amount of good political instincts, mature decision making and intelligent compromise.
Current City Council

For too long we've had to endure the pettier side of politics. Whether it’s the media's attention on the personal squabbles of individual city council members, or the lengths that a mayor will go through to be vindictive against those whom he feels have wronged him. And of course the only ones that are truly hurt in these exchanges are the citizens themselves; the very people that these elected officials were sworn to protect.

Well, during a recently called Special Meeting held on Thursday, December 18th, at 3:30 pm, the City Council, in its effort to replace the former City Clerk who had resigned, made a very difficult decision. Out of the two dozen or so candidates that applied for the position, only a handful were actually qualified. And even less had actually served as a clerk in some capacity. So when I say that the stakes were high, you can believe me, they were VERY high.

Stumbling out of the gates of last year’s historic election, one that saw more voters participate than had ever done so before, the City Council’s track record with appointments to some of the top government spots last year had been dismal. Interim City Manager Ron Finnell resigned back in mid-January before he could really get started. Mike Bush, the former Henry County Finance Director, now the City Treasurer, left after little more than a year on the job. Then, during this past holiday season, our (former) City Clerk, Stephanie Tigner, decided to leave as well. One of the bright spots in all of this has been the appointment of Michael Harris, the former Henry County Planning & Zoning Services Division Director and Interim County Manager. Talk about a “grinder!” That man, his staff and a full host of other municipal employees continue to faithfully execute the task of being about the City’s business.

So here are some of my thoughts regarding the pros and cons of re-hiring the former Clerk to serve again at this critical juncture, and why I think they made an excellent decision.
Vanessa Holiday
- Character: Vanessa’s character is tested, proven and unimpeachable. As long as it’s ethical, moral and legal, we will not have any difficulties in the way she executes the responsibilities of the clerk’s office. This is not to say that others seeking the position didn’t have the same quality of character, but at this critical time, the citizens can’t afford to have another issue with picking the wrong person for this very public, appointed position.

- Experience: Vanessa brings a wealth of experience to the appointed office of the City Clerk; experience that was forged under the bright lights of public scrutiny during one of the most volatile times in the city’s recent history.  During all of the various lawsuits, employee disciplinary problems, a contentious budget process, a much divided city council, and confusing directives -from both appointed and elected officials, including direct and indirect orders to break the law, she never once chose sides and remained a consummate professional.

- Commitment to the Citizens: She is not “hired gun!” She has displayed on numerous occasions her commitment to this community with both her work ethic and community involvement. Again, that is not to say that anyone working for the city as an employee or in an appointed position must live in Stockbridge or Henry County.  But one of the biggest complaints citizens have with the way our local municipalities handle human resource decisions and other appointments, is the tendency to look outside of the county for talent, when what we need is right under our noses! Add to that the fact that 70% of the residents of Henry County travel outside of the county to commute to their jobs and you realize that appointing a qualified applicant, who lives in the area, Stockbridge City Council would be helping to reduce that number, not adding to it. It also cuts down on a lot of unnecessary problems such as transportation issues that do arise from time to time. She could walk to work if she needed to, and I could think of about 524 people who would give her a lift in to work if she needed one.

- Rapport with Current Staff: It would be a very easy transition for Vanessa to integrate with both the (old) staff and the new team of professionals leading our city, because she has maintained great relationships with almost everyone involved. Simply put, her reputation precedes her.

- Community Involvement: The added benefit of choosing Vanessa is that she is also a resident homeowner living within the City of Stockbridge! Her participation over the years within the community with churches, civic organizations and civil rights groups raises her hiring stock to a level unmatched by any other candidate. Not only would it be impossible to require a potential candidate to commit the amount of time and energy necessary to be a “good will ambassador”, it would be illegal.

- Nearly Certified: She is only three hours short of the mandated 100 hours for her certification. On top of everything else she had to contend with, the fact that she was only three hours short of her certification yet again shows her dedication to the city and the citizens. It normally takes the average person four years to be certified.

-Fair Pay: Generally in life, good things don’t come cheap, and cheap things are rarely ever good –or long lasting. In other words, you get what you pay for. The citizens are fed up with the hiring of “hirelings” who are here today and gone tomorrow. Anyone advocating the hiring of someone solely based on how little they can be paid to start is missing the big picture with regard to loyalty and longevity. That’s not to say that we should break the bank, but it is to say that Vanessa has already proven that she not only deserves her former salary, but that the citizens get the better end of that bargain.  Most can testify to her spending late nights and most weekends to stay on top of all that was needed to attend to the incredible volume of work that was needed to keep up with the exhaustive volume of the city’s records-keeping business.

So congratulations are certainly in order for the Mayor, members of the Stockbridge City Council and most importantly, Vanessa Holiday. I’m sure she would have applied without me encouraging her, but I’ll take solace in the fact that after years of getting it wrong, Stockbridge got it right. Look out Henry County, because the City of Stockbridge is on the move!

Houston Nelson.

Houston is a former candidate for Mayor for the City of Stockbridge, Georgia and community leader. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Henry County branch of the N.A.A.C.P., as 2nd Vice-President and Chair, Political Action Committee, the Democratic Party of Henry County, as 2nd Vice Chair as well as the Progressive Citizens of Stockbridge, as Vice-President. He was also recently appointed by Commissioner Bruce Holmes to serve and represent the 5th District on the Board of Directors for the Henry County Council on Aging as an advocate for senior citizens. He can be reached by email at

 The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following a link on this site.  Any article sent by citizens are their own property.

1 comment:

  1. Great read by Houston Nelson. Thank you sir for your insight into something very true.
