Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tax and more tax and even more tax…The Tax Man Cometh

Tax and more tax and even more tax…The Tax Man Cometh

Hello to everyone out there in Henry County it is tax time once again.  The property tax notices are staring us in the face.  Some pay more and some pay less, but the point is we all pay something.  Then it is time once again for the 5% increase in water bills coming in November.  Also, if you haven’t noticed your homeowners insurance has either gone up or will be soon.  Most went up about 19% across the board.  Also, automobile insurance has ticked up.

So, the question to ask yourself is this: Has your pay gone up to match these increases?  And don’t forget the increases in food, medicines, doctors, and everything else you touch.  A rescue inhaler that cost $27.00 in 2005 today cost $256.00 for the same unit.  Doctors visits to a pain specialist if you don’t have insurance is $600 for the first visit and $350 for each subsequent visit.

And look how much it costs to die these days.  The taxes on burials has doubled and creating a situation where it once cost $100 to open a grave, today it costs between $1000 and $1500 if you are lucky.  It cost more to be buried today than it cost my dad to buy a home in 1966.  That is ridiculous to say the least.  That tax on burials and then inventory of an estate if eating into a person going either to the grave or the cooker and the family can expect to lose a good bit to the man.  After you get the bill, you want to throw yourself in the hole first.

But look on the bright side, at least you want have to worry about those blasted taxes anymore.  Just think of the irony here.  Our ancestors spilled their blood and the blood of so many others to create this country because they didn’t like the high taxes.  And now we are doing the same thing all over again and this time folks we are going to lose our nation because of the hurt that high taxation is bringing to America.  It is our choice, either fix the problem or die knowing we were cowards.

The Staff of Henry County Community News Blog.

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