Monday, September 8, 2014

Stockbridge Still Has Problems With Transpency

It is getting quite apparent that the people on the council in Stockbridge are very much like those from the Alarcon days.  They all talked about those good ole boys and the things they did, yet they are doing the same thing.  They might not see it but it shows.  They can’t get the video thing to work right one week and the audio thing to work right on another week.  Very seldom do they work together.  Either they have poor people doing the job or a lousy system.  Shows a lack of directive and purpose.  People are not always able to show up at those meetings especially when you get off from work at 6:00pm and you try to tape the thing on your machine and you get poor quality.  There are many people on my street that wished Mr. Kelley was back.  My wife asked me why they can’t get things done at least on a 50/50 basis on their committees.  I told her I didn’t really know because it always seems this way.

Roger Mason

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1 comment:

  1. It has not been an easy year so far for the council as there have been problems everyone hasn't seen. These aggravations will slow anything. Let's give them time to weed things out.
