Thursday, September 11, 2014

May we Remember

Its that time of the year when we need to remember an event that changed the lives for everyone in America.  The date September 11, 2001 or 9/11 as it is also known has become synonymous with December 7, 1941.  Thousands died that day in a time of anxiety over having our nation attacked by an unknown force.  We knew the enemy in 1941, but today this enemy works from the shadows.

Today, thirteen years after the day we lost our innocence, our people are showing signs of what usually happens—they are walking further away from the time of the attack.  Just as with Pearl Harbor, today it is only a foot note to many.

There are so many loved ones of those who died that are in pain from grief.  Many have forgotten those who are still in emotional distress over losing their loved one in one of the most terrible events in United States history.  To them it was yesterday.  The pain is added upon by the fact that the owners of the property have built another huge skyscraper on what they consider to be the cemetery of their loved ones.  They pushed aside the feelings of those still in pain for a dollar.  They feel defiled and maligned by a society that forgets so easily as time passes.  The hurt is compounded upon when they see their government caress what was once considered evil.  This society hasn’t realized the heartache which is part of the daily routine of those left behind.  That pain is very real.

As time gets farther from the event, the less it will mean to most in society.  The day 9/11 happened will only be a few lines in a book.  Even those who teach don’t realize the effect it has on those who lost someone they loved on that day when the sky was so blue and the sun was beautiful.  Today much of the pain was turned to anger for so many.

In the beginning, the anger was toward the killers of their loved ones.  Now the anger is focused on the uncaring society we live in today.  My cousin lost his love of his life on that day, and at the same time a part of him died as well.  Most do not realize that sudden pain caused by a tragedy of this magnitude.  He has suffered in ways we can not imagine.  Grief that is so deep that at times will consume their lives.  And the uncaring, thoughtlessness that comes with time only adds to the grief he and so many others feel.

A kind word and a little understanding go a long way to help those who still see the deaths of 9/11 not only those on the planes, but these buildings and the first responders who died doing their jobs without question.  They were the heroes who entered those buildings that were a mass of chaos and fear.

As long as there are those who still care, the memories of the dead will remain, but when those minds are silenced by the grave, what will happen next?  Those words on pages of text books and computer screens will be just that words.  Words in that context and feeling because the authors have long since passed.

Please remember those who died on September 11, 2001 and remember these loved ones left in a world of pain and uncaring.  Who only ask for patience and remembrance.  Please pray for them, and if you know them give them kind word to let them know you haven’t forgotten.  It would mean a lot.

Pastor Dr. Mike Moon


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