Thursday, August 31, 2017

Henry County Ambulance Fees May Increase

It looks like Henry County is mulling over another increase in the fees to transport patients in ambulances.  They are wanted a sizeable increase on the heals of a 2012 increase.  This will put a sure burden on the poor and those with no insurance.  One can picture it now a patient is being transported to the hospital having a heart attack or stroke and the paramedics learn they have no money or insurance.  They pull along the side of the road and place the patient on the ground and drive away. 
This could bring about a new wave of transportation for the sick or injured who have little money.  There could be a Uber service set up using pick up trucks with covers on the back.  They can stock it with first aid, oxygen tanks they can get, and go on eBay and buy a portable defibrillator.  Call the Uber driver for a fraction of the cost of the paramedics and a need fixed.  Now that is the American way to take care of a problem and make a little money also.

The Staff

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