Saturday, September 23, 2017

It Took An Act Of God

It took an act of God to bring the looney and stupid acts of Henry County and Stockbridge to an end. Days leading up to the Sixteenth Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks both the County and City had planned to hold a memorial ceremony to remember the victims. Like the years before they had it planned to take place in the most inappropriate place. In front of the local Walmarts in the middle of busy intersections.

I have tried over the years to teach both the County and City that this is not the right place to hold a memorial service. But it seems they are not able to learn or they really don’t care about the victims or the families left behind. The County is being run by people with no values at the leadership level. Stockbridge is in a shambles with a Councilman that is just a tad off in the head in my opinion. And that will be the downfall of the city, it’s not called Jerry Springerville for nothing.

9/11/2017 was a bad time for me as I was thinking of my lost love of a lifetime. But I also had the tropical storm to deal with. I spent most of the day posting alerts and info on social media to help people and let them know what was going on and how to stay safe. Some may ask why did I do that when I was hurting so much that day thinking of my lost love. Well, it’s because there are more good sane people in the County and City than greedy stupid people that don’t have a heart. Those people deserved the info I was giving them. The stupid people that think a busy intersection is a good place to bring kids to teach them about 9/11 and to remember the victims of 9/11 could drop dead for all I care. They have proven they are un-American and don’t care so turnabout is fair play.

Alfred Britt

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