Thursday, September 7, 2017

Citizen Allowed To Change Our Flag At The BOC

There is a video floating on you tube of the US flag with the fringe being removed from the Henry County Board of Commission Chamber by a person who comes up meeting after meeting to attack the  BoC.  Then, to make things worse he has the person who is wanting to have the monument removed from the McDonough Square helping him.  Also, in the video the person says they will be taking the eagle down as well.  According to the rules of the US about flags, you can have the fringe on a flag for special purposes.  There is no law prescribed by Congress that says you do not put gold fringe on a flag.  Then, here also is the information about the eagle on a flag pole. "According to the USA Flag Site commentator, eagles should not be used to top outside flag poles since the wind may wrap the flag around the eagle and tear the flag. The gold or silver ball on top of the pole is preferred for outside flag poles. Indoors, an eagle is allowed. While there is no official statement about the direction the eagle should face on the flag pole, many believe that the eagle should face as if it were flying toward Washington, D.C. In times of war the eagle is sometimes turned to face the direction of our troops on foreign soil. The eagle on the pole that is with the deployed troops faces back home, in the direction of the United States. The eagle on top of the flag pole should be gold or silver in color."  So, we can understand why that young person who is unpatriotic and leans toward the communist way of life it looks like the older gentleman who made the video is unpatriotic as well.  Those who love this nation are seeing red at this time when they watch this video.  And what is truly sad is that the Henry County BoC let them do it.

The People to Protect Our Nation's Flag


  1. Where can we see this? Is there a video?

  2. Okay, I get it now. It is said that the fringe goes beyond being decorative. The fringe is said to indicate a military state. It's called an Admiralty Flag.
