Sunday, December 23, 2018

Another Christmas

“Another Christmas”

Another Christmas without my sweetheart,
Another Christmas that we are apart.

Another Christmas without your beautiful blue eyes,
Another Christmas that part of me dies.

Another Christmas without your beautiful blonde hair,
Another Christmas alone I must bare.

Another Christmas without your beautiful smile to brighten my day,
Another Christmas that I remember, cry and pray.

Another Christmas with a heart that is broken in two,
Another Christmas without you as sweet as the morning dew.

Another Christmas thinking of the day you went away,
Another Christmas asking why it couldn't have been me that went away.

Another Christmas that I miss you with all my heart,
Another Christmas that we are apart.

Alfred Britt


  1. I know you miss her Bud. You always will.

  2. A love that endures like this says so much about you. Christmas Blessings to you.
