Sunday, August 19, 2018

We are getting the giant screw to the back once again

"We are getting the giant screw to the back once again"

Yes, Henry County residents we are going to get screwed and tattooed all at the same time thanks to the Henry County Board of Commissioners and County Manager.  They apparently have no feelings for the poor, the working people, the elderly or the well to do.  Since, they raised the assessments on our homes and did not lower the millage rate, which they could have done so, our taxes will be higher.  They apparently have no compassion for the citizenry.  The tax digest has gone up considerably in the Henry County and they are going to make good use of it.  Think about this folks.  If you own a mobile home, stick built home or even rent a place you will pay.  Those in the mobile homes will pay in some cases more than the home might be worth.  The stick built homes will definitely see a sizeable increase in their property taxes.  And even if you rent, your landlord will be paying a premium on the property tax since they do not live in the home and guess what, they will pass that along to the person renting the property.  The only people doing well in the scenario are those people who can't seem to handle money.  And we definitely do not want to hear about them being conservative.  They have no idea what the word means.  They are liberal spending politicians and those that carry the moniker of Republican are just closet Democrats and some of the Democrats are Socialists.  Spend, spend, spend and spend some more like there is no tomorrow.  While you sit in traffic on I-75, Hwy 42, Hwy 155 and other roads just remember that they will only be doing token work on any roads for the foreseeable future.  You feel that screw tightening.   And with the rise in property taxes on the homeowners the Atlanta Motor Speedway and other large properties will be getting a tax break from the county.  Yes, folks while you go to work and eck out an existence and those on Social Security and Disability hang on to life, you will be paying the line share of the taxes.  Feel that screw now.  Yes, a business that takes in multi-million dollars per year will get a break.  Bless their little hearts.  No wonder Henry County has been changing as of late.  Those moving here think it is something different and it is nothing more different than what they just left and could be worse than where they moved from to here.  The bottom line is that the whole thing sucks.  And now they are out pining for SPLOST V.  Yes, just think they want to extend that 1 cent sales tax to cover their slush fund on parks and things that the county has too much of today.  And there is even talk that they want to possibly have a 1 cent tax for bus and train service.  Think about sitting in the already horrendous traffic behind that big fat bus.  And train service would be years down the road at best.  They are over five years behind in sending the train to Lovejoy.  Yes, the politicians promise everything under the sun to get elected and then they go off like misers figuring ways to get more money out of the people.  If they reduced some of the bureaucracy in the county that would save a lot of money.  Plus, quit buying properties that will cost the taxpayers for years to come and their children as well.  Think about how much money goes from your taxes to the Henry County BoC, BoE and the Henry County Water and Sewerage Authority.  They take in more than most of the other counties in metro Atlanta.  And what do you really have to show for it.  They will take this county down the slippery slope to a place they will never be able to crawl out of in the decades to come.  As things continue to change more of the people who built the county are dying or leaving and that will leave a whole new face on the county that will not have the same feelings as those who worked so hard to get the things they have today.  But remember that screw in the back.  That is your destiny.

A tired tax payer.

1 comment:

  1. It may be time to say good riddance to the Atlanta Motor Speedway and shut it down.
