Saturday, April 25, 2015

So you Want To Run For Office

Here’s another tidbit on what to remember when running for political office. The main thing that the people of a city or county want to hear is about what is a candidate’s ideas on the essential services of everyday life. They want to know about plans for police, fire, water, sewerage, garbage, and the like. They want to make sure that the candidate has these basic needs in hand. Amenities always come second to essential services. It is something that I have always taught my children that you don’t have all the nice extras until the essential bills are paid and food is in the house. The same principle works in the real world. People worry about paying the rent, mortgage, electric bills, gas bills, water bills, and taxes. And they worry about making sure their family is fed and safe.

These citizens all have one thing in common they are seeking life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If the candidate only discusses amenities and pushes for pie in the sky then they don’t have life in their interests for the people. Then, they can’t push for things that will take years to build and expect personal liberty to not be effected. And everyone wants to be happy and the candidate cannot make everyone happy. As citizens who wish to become our policy makers they soon find out that the job is filled with pit falls and people who will take them down by watching their every move while in office. That is the right of the citizen to watch those who they elect to make sure they are doing what is best for the citizens and not placing themselves on a pedestal for their ego.

All candidates must remember that We the People are the government of this nation and of these communities. No one wants to be dictated to and the citizens will not put up with it. If they see themselves as some present from the great beyond to fix all problems and know all about everything involved then you have a pompous person who will only be there for self.

No one expects a candidate to be perfect. We are not perfect and we make mistakes in who we often elect because they wear one face and then the real person comes out after they are elected. People want to see truth and honesty for a change in politics and it can only be found by those sitting in those seats find in their hearts that they do make mistakes and show some honesty then the people will feel different and want to get out and vote and stop the voter apathy.

Over the years I have watched many people come and go in elected office in our community and have watched the mistakes they have made over and over again. There is a time and place for everything and if a person running for office cannot stop and talk with a constituent for a few minutes and listen to their problem without brandishing them then they do not need to seek a public office.

Politics can be an ugly thing and in our county over the years that has been the case on many occasion. But the key thing a candidate must remember is that they work for the people and not for their personal gratification. So, remember some of these few little tidbits about being a candidate for political office and look into yourselves if you are the person attempting to gain a political seat and see if you have the qualities that make a statesman a lady or gentleman and can have a thick skin in the process.

Dr. Mike Moon.

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