Wednesday, October 9, 2019

People Making Money With SPLOST

Those of us who don’t want another SPLOST in Henry County understand that there are people who do want the SPLOST.  Some give reasons that are tailor-made responses being passed around by the group that wants the SPLOST.  Another group of people are voicing their approval of the SPLOST and trying to make John Q Public think it is a wonderful idea.  But what is troubling is that some of these who are pushing for the SPLOST are making money off the SPLOST that is put in by the taxpayers of the county and from outside the county.  Sure they want the SPLOST so they can build the line share of the large ticket items on the project list.  And what does this show?  It speaks of greed, gall, ego and above all deception.  The old cliches about why we need a SPLOST have worn old when we finally see where the money taken in goes.  It looks bad to see people promote a SPLOST and then benefit personally from it, especially those out there having a hard time making ends meet.  We hear from those who have relatives working on the SPLOST committees that just a few short years ago raised the roof about the SPLOST.  This tax is a slush fund for the mediocre leadership in office and those who benefit from it that have ties to the leadership.  It has been a never-ending trip down the rabbit hole to a bottomless pit and the projects are not completed and some go back several years.  Just keep in mind, you get what you vote for in office.  It is time to cut the ties between them and the slush fund.  Vote NO For SPLOST V.

The Staff


  1. I like the term "slush fund." I'd also say "paybacks" would be an appropriate description.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I should have said "if there were equitable distribution", which doesn't seem to be the case.

  3. If there were Equitable distribution to the cities of a fair share of not only prorated funds but a fair share of the county supported projects I would consider supporting renewal. However, county projects proposed, if this tax is approved, do not include ANY that directly benefit Hampton.
    I will not vote to approve and encourage a no vote.
