Sunday, October 20, 2019

Here is why not to vote for SPLOST V

“Here is why not to vote for SPLOST V”

It is being revealed every day that the former SPLOST programs voted on by the citizens have either been wasted in many cases or never finished as promised.  For example, the money that should have gone to the Hampton Senior Center was diverted elsewhere and the final building was not what was promised.  Yet the county bought the center in Locust Grove because the city could not afford what they built.  So, the Hampton money went to them.  That is not right.  The SPLOST was not designed to be handled like they have done ever since its inception.  The people of Henry County voted for SPLOST IV which included $5 million for a study on the interchange to be built on Bethlehem Rd at I-75 to divert truck traffic in the area.  But the three democrats on the BoC decided recently to take this off the ARC wish list for Henry County.  Why?  Who told them not to put it on there?  The BoC Chair said there are no plans for an inland port on Bethlehem Rd.  Why did Norfolk Southern Railroad buy all the land between Hwy 42 and I-75 on the northside of Bethlehem Rd?  Discussions were had about a decade ago about them building an intermodal train yard there for shipping trailers brought in from Savannah to be put on trucks to go across the southeast.  They would need the exit at Bethlehem Rd to handle all this traffic.  This was part of the agenda back then and the intent would be for this to be built in 20-25 years from that time.  The Chair of the BoC needs to learn the difference between an inland port and an intermodal rail yard.  If these commissioners can do no better than what they have done since they have been in office then it is a good idea to Vote NO on SPLOST V in November.  It is not for the children that is for sure.

The Staff

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