Thursday, July 12, 2018

A Whining Commissioner in Henry County

Here is the 5th District Commissioner of Henry County, GA philosophy on political parties.   Spoken by him, "Bruce Holmes-- It’s the system. If you don’t figure out a way to win within it, you will never get that boot off your throat. Winning comes from people uniting around a common interest, dissenting from things in which they strongly disagree and participating in the process. If you’re in-line with helping yourself and friends who only benefit you; you are a republican. If you believe that a raising tide lifts all boats; you’re a democrat. Republicans only advocate for non-partisan elections when minorities become the majority, then sale you how it’s such a great thing. The real purpose is maintaining power so they can continue to maintain control of the allocation of resources."  This is spoken like a true communist and not a democrat or republican.  But he does believe in a Capitalist form of government because he doesn't refuse any money.  And isn't it interesting that it always comes down to race?  The system of being non-partisan was created by the democrat party in Henry County and Georgia long before it was run by the blacks.  Yes, those were the white democrats that started that.  He can't make that ship float because he has no water to hold it up.

Maurice Jones

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