Sunday, June 4, 2017

Poor Misguided Councilman Knows Not What He Does, Or Just Stupid.

The Stockbridge City Councilman Mr. A. S. was at the Nash Farm in Hampton on June 3rd with the NAACP protesting the CSA flag and the people who provided the museum for the farm to represent the Battle of Lovejoy.  This person who knows so little about history and only follows along to create trouble stood there with another man and defiled a historical monument to the Civil War dead of the Battle of Lovejoy.  Listed on that marker are the names of some of the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the area.  This was a wanton disgrace and defaming of all that is decent.  He is the kind who would destroy headstones in a cemetery for his own push for an agenda.  One of his friends spoke there about the flag that should be flying over the park the U.S. flag, but she would prefer the nationalist flag which is one flown by the nation of Islam.  They both stood there holding the only flag that ever flew over a slave ship other than the British and Spanish flags.  Yes, they know about as much about history as to fill a thimble.  They are showing ignorance at a rate that hasn't happened in many years.  There was such a huge crowd there less than twenty showed up.  There was a much larger police presence than there were people there to put down the hallowed people who died for what they believed.  This was a typical socialist event.  There is no telling how many crimes were being committed in the county where those police were needed.  And it boils down to one thing.  They don't want white anything.  They want to support a muslim philosophy that will bring in more and more till one day it will be Ramadan Park.  And you can thank people like those commissioners and city council members who have taken over to run amok in the political world and have no idea what they are doing.  There was an old saying years ago that Atlanta shared and now Henry County is on the threshhold of sharing, "you wanted it, now you have it, what are you going to do with it."

George C. Davis

1 comment:

  1. We better wake up NOW before these radicals take everything from us. I blame Henry County for allowing excessive growth with no regard for the county - only to bring in tax dollars. With Henry County now being a "blue" county, as racist as this may sound, all the white citizens better start getting out here and vote these radicals OUT
