Saturday, June 10, 2017

NAACP Offends American Veteran At Nash Farm

I was at the Nash Farm rally against the Confederate Flag on June 3rd presented by the Henry County NAACP.  Being a member of the Clayton County Branch, I went in support of keeping the Confederate Flag down and out of sight.  But something happened while I was there that seriously damaged my viewpoint.  I served the United States in the Navy during Desert Storm.  I am proud of and will always defend the flag of the United States.  But I heard one of the key members of the Henry County Branch stand up there at the podium and say that she would rather see the "national flag" flying over the park.  The flag she referenced is the African American freedom flag that is used by the Nation of Islam.  This bothered me much.  I will be damned if I will follow under the national flag that honors terrorists.  I have rescinded my membership in the NAACP of Clayton County and do not want to be affiliated with any branch of that organization since the true idea is coming out.  True Americans should stand against what is really happening here in this matter.  People are being brainwashed daily about the Confederacy and their flag.  This is nothing more than "hate."  And they are supposed to be against hate.  What do they think the followers of Islam did to this nation on 9/11 and have continued to do since then around the world including the recent terror attacks in London.  Don't stand there blindly following what these people are doing.  It is a shame and disgrace to now realize that the NAACP was once a good thing but now has morphed into a cult of racial divisiveness that is fed on hate.  And wanting the flag that is followed by the nation of Islam is surely nothing less than hate.
Former Member of the NAACP

1 comment:

  1. On recent videos, I've heard her say that on two different occasions.

    There is alot of hate coming out of a group of people in Henry County.

    I had an online encounter with someone who was a stranger to me. He tried to rip me up one side and down the other; making all kind of hateful accusations about me. This hate that is being manufactured by that handful, in Henry County, is all smoke and mirrors to hide their true adgenda(s). I've never felt such hate from someone who has never met me.
