Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Stockbridge Goes Idiot Again

Stockbridge Goes Idiot Again

On December 12, 2016, The City of Stockbridge decided to go the idiot route once again. They were ready to pass a city ordinance that would make it illegal to smoke in your own car if there were a minor child in your car. As always when a tyrannical government wants to take more of your freedoms away they use the ploy “it’s for or to protect the children” tactic. Hitler did the same thing in the 1930’s and look what happened to the world then. Any time the government wants to take away your freedoms you should let your voice be heard. But Stockbridge does not like to hear from people that dislike what they believe in. Remember I was denied my first amendment right to speak at a Council meeting to ask for a Confederate history proclamation. Why you may ask? Because they were ignorant to the facts of the war. They are also very ignorant of the facts of smoking. They said in a blanket statement that smoking causes cancer. Which we often hear from neophytes who don’t want to accept the truth. That is a very stupid statement when there is no proof of it. I have loads of proof that smoking is not as bad for you and in some cases can protect you from some other health problems. The myth of second hand smoke was debunked years ago so the council by saying that second hand smoke is bad for you is a bald face lie!! This is very irresponsible of the City Council to lie to the people, but this is Stockbridge the red headed stepchild of Atlanta and Georgia.  They are wanting their five seconds of fame on the television news.  It is like a spoiled child wanting its way about everything.

The council did not vote on the ordinance because one councilman was not happy as to how it would be enforced and that it sounds like more big government. Now I hardly ever agree with Mr. Alexander like a lot of people in the County that call him the village idiot he never makes sense in what he wants to do. But this time he made sense in his statement. I urge you to contact the Stockbridge government and let them know that we smokers and nonsmokers see the smoke they are blowing up our butts by saying it’s for the children when  it is a big government way to generate money for them to spend on crap the city doesn’t need or want. It is a liberal hand working its way into the pockets of the hard working people of the city.  Stockbridge has had a bad image that the only thing that can clean it out is a City Hall Fleets Enema. Don’t let the city council continue to make a mockery of the hard working citizens of Stockbridge who feel they can walk over the rights of the citizens at their every whim. 
Below you will find links to articles about smoking and how you have been lied to for a long time.

Alfred Britt

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