Friday, September 11, 2015

It’s been 14 years

It’s been 14 years since terrorist attacked us on September 11, 2001 killing 3000 Americans. Over the years we have seen America rise up, and help each other in the aftermath. Pride swept over this land, proud to be American and proud of our Military. America came together because our homeland was being threatened by a force that wants to destroy what our founding fathers built with their sweat, blood, tears and yes their lives.

The past few years, I have seen all the caring and pride for each other and America dwindling very rapidly. It started when the same threat that attacked us in 2001 became more prevalent in America. We are starting to slide down a slope that our Nation might not be able to recover from. It’s time we get our attitude back, that we have the best Military in the world, and if you mess with us  “We will put a boot up your ass.” We are the top dog in the game if you want to play we are ready. Americans love to fight, they love the sting of battle, we started the Country with a battle and it’s the only way we will keep it. And for the people that don’t like it, get out of our Nation we are Americans!

I ask you to remember what America stood for years ago when we lived as a great Nation. Remember our Military Men and Women that have died keeping us free. Remember the Firemen and Policemen that gave of themselves, and some did give all that day. And through years to come, through sickness from the debris at ground zero.

I ask that you remember the victims that were killed that day, and their families and loved ones. Please say a prayer for the families of the victims of that horrible day that we suffered. They are still hurting from the sudden way they lost loved ones. I have been in contact with a few of them and I am one also. I lost my fiancé  on that day. We need your understanding that we lost loved ones in a horrible way that we hear about all the time on the news. Some have been able to move on, but many have had a very hard time with their loss of loved ones. Some family members feel that their life force was zapped out of them on that day. So please show compassion for us as we try to live a life that is empty and alone.

To my sweetheart, a day does not pass that I don’t think of you. I miss your laugh that was like a rose petal just as it opens. I miss your beautiful golden hair that was like honey. And your eyes that were perfume that melted my heart every time I would look into them. Your heart was pure gold full of love that I knew was right for me. I miss you so much darling that I will never be complete again in my life. I still play one of our songs, it reminds me of the first time you said you loved me. I knew then I had found the love of a lifetime in you sweet heart. You made me feel so alive knowing that we were in love so much. So baby here is our song, you are my “Love Of A Lifetime”
I love you with all my being.


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