Sunday, November 3, 2019

Vote No for SPLOST V

"Vote No for SPLOST V"

This idea of a SPLOST V is an ongoing slush fund for those elected officials who do well to shine their seats at meetings. When SPLOST I was initiated so many years ago it was only supposed to last for a specified time and then go away.  It was supposed to be used to fix some roads and other facilities.  Well, that didn’t pan out too well because there are still projects today that are not finished from SPLOST I, II, III or IV.  And guess what, if you vote for another SPLOST V tax then there will be projects to add to the unfinished list.  The elected officials found an easy way to garner cash from the taxpayers with this type of money accumulation.  If they want something done why not put out bonds or get a loan.  They are already taking in a ton of money on property taxes, sales taxes, car tag taxes, fuel taxes and don’t forget school taxes that go to the Board of Education.  Yes, the citizens of Henry County are taxed to death and they want to keep on with another tax.  They threaten you with your property taxes will go up.  Guess what Sherlock, they already have gone up.  The millage rate may be the same, but those evaluations on prime properties went up.  As long as the voters continue to vote for a SPLOST there will always be one on the ballot whether you really need it or not.  How about the traffic in the county? Are you loving it, guess what some of the previous SPLOST projects that weren’t finished were supposed to help with fixing the traffic problems.  Some of those funds were transferred to other areas.  Why you may ask? To help those in those seats politically.  They used to go out and arrest people in the old days for what these people are doing to the citizens.  It was called all types of names anything from swindling, bunco, the pyramid scheme, racketeering, and many other names, especially during the gangland days of Chicago and New York.  Today it is for the children, the elderly, for physical fitness and for your pets.   They want to take your money for a privately owned water park.  The county attorney has already seen problems with this whole scenario because he knows it will come back to bite them in the backside.  If you want to do something good for yourselves and the county VOTE NO FOR SPLOST V.

The Staff

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