Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Double Standard

 "The Double Standard"
It looks like Henry County, GA has a huge problem with how they are treating one section of society in their county.  Just a few weeks ago the Board of Commissioners did not allow the SCV group to have black powder gunfire or cannon fire for the re-enactment at Nash Farm.  This has been allowed until the change in leadership in the county to a not so diverse group of people.   On Monday, April 29th there will be some filming done in Stockbridge for an HBO series.  There will be simulated gunfire in the filming and the people doing the filming let them know that everything will be fine and that it is not real.  But still, it is gunfire that would have been the same case at Nash Farm.  Those who are in the SCV should think about seriously suing the county over this issue.  This is nothing but pure reverse discrimination and a right in your face attitude about it.   If one group cannot use simulated gunfire then the no one else should be able to do it.

Henry County Watchdog Group.

1 comment:

  1. My research has shown that each City issues permitting for filming and the County issues permits for Nash Farm Battlefield.
