Monday, October 23, 2017

The Fleecing of Henry County

"The Fleecing of Henry County"
It is that time of year again that we all received our notices from the Henry County Water and Sewerage Authority that they will be raising our rates by 2% in November.  Now just think about that for a moment.  We already are paying 2 mills on our property taxes to the Water Authority.  That is double taxation and triple when you add the sales tax.  There are people in the county who cannot afford to keep having to dole out more money to these people who are raping the innocent people of the county.  And most of the money is to pay those high salaries for those who work there.  The director of the department makes twice as much as the Governor of Georgia.   And what do you get for the money, some water that you can barely drink because the taste is so bad.  All the chemicals and other things dumped in the water taste bad.  Just look at your toilet at the things settled in it that you drink when you turn on the tap.  If we are going to pay through the nose for water we should be getting much better than we are getting.  But you can rely on every year the price will increase whether they need it or not.  And the people are the ones who pay dearly.

The Staff

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