Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A Stack Of Papers


A Stack Of Papers.

I often wonder how people make it through their lives without just driving themselves off a cliff. People are calling for us to boycott companies because some of the people that run them have different views as they do. They think by not buying a company’s product they will hurt them and make them change their minds. Well, they are as smart as a turd in a septic tank thinking it is in an oasis. First of all, not all of the employees of the company may not have the same views like the ones that run it. So you may be hurting people that don’t hold your views that work for you and that is stupid. 

Let's take Coca-Cola. It is just a stack of papers that allows it to have property and that is it. The company is so large in scope the few that will boycott will not even make a blip on their bottom line. So why deprive yourself of a product you like on its own to try and change a few that run the company that will have no effect on your cause? 

I have seen so many people call for boycotts because the new President is not who they wanted. Guess what you lost the election so get over it and move on. I don’t like some things he has and will do but I do hope he does a good job for America to help us all. We all need to come together for the betterment of our nation as a whole. To all that have asked all your friends to boycott companies and the Democratic President and his policies. I have one question for you: if you don’t like him or his policies he has done I take it you returned your $1,400 to the Government, if not you are a hypocrite or as my mom would say “A Two-Faced Son Of A Bitch”. So change your diaper and get with the program. 

The Staff.     

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Britt,

    I read your blog post and wondered how some people sit down and fail to see a point from both sides of a conversation. It seems that maybe you did not read why people were calling for a boycott with Cocoa-Cola. Let me share, employees were being trained to be "less white" as part of a new diversity training program that has now been discarded. Telling someone they have to be less of something such as a skin color goes beyond training, it is downright ignorant.

    As to your comment about this president, I would have thought that you being the expert blogger on various subjects as you state that you are, I would think you would have noticed the immense amount of executive orders that has been signed (more than all presidents combined) and other issues such as killing 11,000 jobs in one day, opening the boarders up so that anyone and everyone who feels the need can just move right on in our country and get free stuff, you know like housing and welfare benefits? Now I don't know about you, but I am self employed and I work very hard to make sure I make enough money to do things like pay my house bills along with my insurance and even pay my employees and keep my company afloat. And as far as the small stimulus checks you keep talking about, there are those of us who didn't qualify for those payments. I can imagine very few are complaining about a stimulus check, I am sure those who were able to get it probably needed it more than you or I do.

    And I beg the question, if you are so upset with people complaining, why are you doing the same thing?
