Saturday, August 1, 2020

Those Who Want Anarchy and Ruin in Henry County

“Those Who Want Anarchy and Ruin in Henry County”

Many families of Henry County today had relatives in the War Between the States and they owned slaves too.  It is no secret.  It was a time of wanting to fight to keep the northern army from taking and destroying their homes.  Many of those who left to go and fight never returned home to be either buried in a mass grave on a battlefield or buried in a cemetery located on a Prisoner of War camp in the north.   Several years after the war the United Daughters of the Confederacy placed several monuments across the  country to those who died and never returned home to their families.  Fast forward to today and those of the BLM, Antifa, and Communist Party are attacking and forcing  these monuments to be either destroyed or removed.  In many cases, such as in Henry County, they waited till the board of commissioners was filled with those who would want to destroy or take away any vestiges of that time.  The district 2 commissioner who forced the ousting of those who had the museum to the war at Nash Farm also pushed for the removal of the monument in McDonough.  They moved the statue at a cost of over $39,000 to Work Camp Rd by a Covington Crane Co.   The four African-American BoC members all voted to remove this statue during a time of the pandemic.  They saw an opportunity and took it.  What is sad to hear now is that many of those descendants of those who died in far off battles want to help fund a fountain for the center of the square.  All they are doing is pandering and appeasing those who wanted this statue gone and looking out for their businesses and pocketbooks instead of remembering their family members.  The lust for money and power runs deep in Henry County.   Some even helped the district 2 commissioner by being her mouthpiece and Toadie.  They made money off of the farmers market at Nash Farm where it was once owned by a Veteran of the Confederacy.  Yet, they had no qualms about making money there.  It didn’t bother them at all.  Many lurid and underhanded people have been involved with the actions of the last three years in Henry County.  They have caused the racial divide to become such that it reverts many of those gains made taken back nearly 60 years.  They don’t care about peace or unity, they always want to divide.  They claim they are doing this in the name of civil rights, but they would not make a scab off the behinds of those true civil rights workers of the 1950s and 1960s.   Most of them were not even born in that time and have no true idea of what was happening then.  There have been monumental changes from that time in the workplace, in housing, and in every aspect of our culture.  But these who want to divide have caused it to sound as if they are totally living in that time and they are not.  Most of these people are being led around by the nose by the people who want anarchy in our nation.  They better understand that these people don’t give a damn about them or what is right and wrong in our nation.  All they want to do is see it fail.  And if true anarchy and communism take over then they will be enslaved by those they looked up to and followed right down the path to hell.   Many of them will likely be eliminated because they won’t need them anymore.  Look back in history to Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.  Look at the millions who died to appease their lust for power and glory and they ruled with an iron fist.  People better wake up before it is too late and the New World Order has taken its seat on the throne of power.  There is an old saying, “Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it.”

The Staff

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