Tuesday, July 9, 2019

What Is Wrong With People Today

What Is Wrong With People Today

I grew up in the 70’s and early 80’s. I remember back then people were different than they are today and it’s not for the better. Back then you could count on your neighbors and friends to help out when times were tough. We came together to help each other when someone got sick or lost a job and needed to get food people would help them out without even being asked. I remember helping friends and family as a child and it always felt good to be able to help. I also remember being down to having to pick up aluminum cans so we could eat breakfast that day. I have been on both sides of being poor and being okay and just getting by. 

Six years in Federal Law enforcement I have seen some ugly things that would turn your stomach and make a maggot puke. But what I am seeing today makes me sick down to the core of my being. That is the war that is being waged on poor people by people that call themselves Christians, but they are far from it. 

For some time I have been trying to sell a few things so I can get the house that I have paid for while being on disability in my name. The people that I bought it from died and their children can’t be found. So, to get the home in my name I have to go to the courts to get a judge to sign off on it. This costs money as well as what I have to pay my attorney. To pay for my home I sacrificed a lot. I lived on bologna sandwiches, I cut my utilities down as much as I could. As for a social life I had none, no movies, eating out was not done. All this took a toll on my health. I have heart failure, I am diabetic that has caused my feet and legs to go numb so walking is hard and is getting harder every day. 

I have sold only one thing on Facebook. In my posts, I ask people to share the post if they are not interested in what I have for sale so more people would see it. But only two-three have done so. No one seems to care whatsoever, no one even asked how I am doing with it. I even posted a poll to ask what I should do. I got one saying I should not start a go fund me to see if I could get donations. One said yes and about four said to do both sales and do the go fund me, I even had one said who cares. 

What hurts the most is that when I post something about my love I lost on 9/11 just a few of my so-called friends say or do anything on the post, that I will not stand for at all. When my Cousin Mike Moon moved from next door from me he asked four of our friends to keep a check on me to make sure I was okay. That was three plus years ago and only one of our friends has done that. The other three I have not heard from them, but one did call me because they wanted me to do something for them. Note get this one friend lives about 200 yards from me and I have not heard not one thing from them at all. It reminds me of what my Mom would say that they are just “two-faced sons of bitches”. 

I have run tests on Facebook with the help of a family member that we both have a good number of friends in common. We post the same thing like a photo of the American flag or a puppy. We give it 24 to 48 hours and look at the results. The family member would have a lot more likes than my post sometimes 4 to 1 or more. Sometimes I would get nothing at all. That tells me something about most of our friends we share please note I said most not all. For me, it’s not about being popular I just don’t want to be ignored. Sometimes I post very important stuff and it is ignored with no likes. I could understand if I had done something wrong to someone, but I try to help anyone I can. It makes no sense to a sane person that would like to help and now needs some help. I am at my wit's end as to what is wrong with people cause I know it’s not me, I have done my best to help others. People need to start acting right and stop acting like a child who wants his way all the time. Act more like a Christian and God would look on you with more favor.

Alfred Britt.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're in such an awful spot, cousin. If I weren't behind on my own bills I'd help you out. It would be a little because we live on hubby's disability check but it would give me joy to be able to help even a little. I hope a miracle comes your way.
