Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A Bad Rezoning For Miller's Mill Road

   "A Bad Rezoning For Miller's Mill Road"
It is not bad enough that traffic can be horrendous on Miller's Mill Road, now the Henry County  Board of Commissioners has decided to make the situation worse. They okayed the rezoning of the property on Miller's Mill Road between Berry Hill Airport and Moseley Park.  Hundreds of homes and condominiums are coming to the site.  Think about when they are having ball tournaments at Moseley Park and the added traffic that brings along with the traffic from these homes and you have a recipe for disaster.  The schools are already overburdened with students and these added homes will bring another load of children upon the area schools that will not be able to handle them.  The 4th district commissioner who pushed to get this development in the area said that it is the school's responsibility to make sure there are enough school's.  Spoken like a true democrat.  Yes, go up on school taxes on your homes to build more school space for more and more children.  Your tax dollars being shoved into a draw with a bottomless pit.  She will be our next ambassador to outer space.  No one on the BoC was listening to the public who were there to speak on the building of this ant hill.  They already had their minds made up.  They didn't give a tinker's damn what those residents had to say.  And with children in the audience, it should be called child abuse to watch their political leaders create such a debacle.  The BoC is nothing more than a yes person for the developers and big money.  Many have wondered how much they are making on the people from outside coffers.  Maybe a federal investigation into their checking and savings accounts is in order.  Especially, the one that cannot sit up straight in his chair.  That is nothing more than a rude human being saying I don't care about you as long as you pay and I will be glad to soak you every year day in and day out.  Henry County has turned itself into a wasteland of greed and piss poor planning.  Traffic, crime and lower property values are coming.  And the chance for a plane accident will always loom over those homes.  And do anyone at the BoC care? That answer is no.  

The Blog Staff.

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