Monday, October 9, 2017

Henry County Behind The Times And Falling

The 2040 Henry County Land Use for Zoning, parks, open space and growth were to be discussed last Wednesday.  We all know that there is a serious problem with transportation in Henry County.  With that said that should be something for another meeting to be held about travel problems in the county.  This meeting should have been more discussed by the people there about the proper zoning that can affect where you live and how much tax you pay on your property.  The parks which they need to maintain what they have, but don't need to keep building parks as the county is well over taxed with them as it is now.  Open space is going to be at a minimum if the growth numbers do pan out as they are expected to grow dramatically over the next 25 years.  According to projections, Henry County will have nearly one half a million people in the next 10 years.  And this meeting is looking at the next 25 years.  Most of those who were in attendance likely won't either be living in Henry County by then or will be dead.  The thing these people need to be worried about in their zoning issues is where are these people going to be buried when they die?  The cemeteries in Henry County are filling up as we speak. Some are already at capacity.  These meetings all look good and have to happen according to state rules, but little to nothing gets accomplished because by the time it is implemented it will be obsolete and just like the last one it is obsolete and they are constantly making changes to it.  They do need to have some serious discussions about the transportation problem, but better yet not just discussions, but actually get something moving.  People are tired of sitting in traffic everyday in Henry County.  But as long as they are thrusting their way to bringing more warehouses to the county for the sea port in Savannah and the truck traffic that is coming your way then traffic will continue to be a huge problem.  Things often look good on paper, but in the real world they fail the test.

The Staff

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