Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Your Property Taxes

The Henry County Board of Commissioners recently voted to keep the millage rate for the county the same.  There was talk that they might go up 1 millage point as requested by the staff.  But the problem is that you and I will still be paying more this year for property taxes because the assessments for the properties in the county have gone up this year.  Thus, if the commissioners didn't want to raise the property tax they should have rolled back the current millage rate so that it would reflect the same tax amount as last year.  They all knew the assessment values went up and knew that it was a sure thing for a property tax increase.    
The Henry County Board of Education also met recently to say they would leave their millage rate at the maximum of 20 mills.  This will generate over $7 million for the BoE.  The BoC will get just over $5 million dollars more and the total will be $12 million for the county as a whole in an increase this year.  The BoE could have rolled back the millage rate as well to help, but they all voted for it to remain the same.
The increase in taxes is going to hurt everyone, not just one sector.  And this once again shows that Henry County needs some real companies with high paying jobs to come to the county to help offset some of these taxes that the homeowners are saddled with on their backs.  At over 38 mills the county is one of the highest taxed counties in the state.  There is more tax money coming in through SPLOST, unseen taxes in the fuel you buy, the food you eat and the products you purchase daily.  And the BoC is proposing to put another tax on you through something called T-SPLOST for roads to be fixed.  If they start this tax it will never end.  With all the regulations, taxes, resolutions, fees and other things that bring in money for the municipalities and the county, one would think that Henry County would be more affluent than it really is in the eyes of others.  It is just merely a county being filled with multi family homes, and warehouses many of which remain empty.  You would also think with all the money going into the school system that the county would have one of the highest rated school systems in the state.  But they have 31 out of 53 schools that are failing and that is not a good sign when the funds are there.
You hear people coming to the county that have no idea what is happening here that say they want and they want, but they are only going to get what the people have to put in the bank account for the system.  Henry County is rapidly becoming a county doomed to have too much of the same thing over and over.  Too much fast food, too many strip malls with the same stores, and too many parks that have to be maintained.  Yet, the county wants to grow more and more by bringing in people by the thousands.  Somewhere it would be wise to put a moratorium on new homes and businesses until things are truly fixed in the infrastructure.  But the blame game has been going for some time.  It was those people's fault from 20 years ago that didn't plan right for what has happened.  No, they didn't plan right, but people came anyway.  
Look for your property assessments to go up again next year.  That is a cash cow that the BoC and BoE don't want to lose.  And don't forget the water department they get 2 mills of your property tax on your bill each year.  Yes, it is the most taxed place in the region currently and what do you really have to show for it.  Monstrous traffic, ill people, crime and poor services.  Stockbridge won't even put together it's own police force with it's surplus funds.  They would rather spend it on trails and walking paths.   
Remember also, that crime follows more people in the population.  That is a given fact.   When the crime rate continues to rise it will deter good companies from wanting to build in Henry County.  They need to put a sign as you enter the county that this is the highest taxed county in this area to remind people while they wait in traffic.  T-SPLOST is not the answer, but halting the influx of people would give the county an opportunity to catch up with the infrastructure.  But they won't.  They want that extra money.  Remember this when election time rolls around once again and these folks want to keep their jobs.  Find those that will want to be good stewards of your money and do the right things for the people.  But from the election results of the last decade, it is a poor chance that things will change.

The Staff

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