Friday, July 8, 2016

The Madness Must Stop

The Madness Must Stop

Over the past few days law enforcement has taken a beating over various things. I have seen FBI bashing on Facebook over the director’s comments and lack of prosecution about Hillary Clinton’s EMail scandal. I have seen people that I thought were friends say things like the FBI are a bunch of thugs and are trash. As someone that worked in the Federal Law Enforcement field for six years till I was injured on the job,  I find this very offensive and shows a lack of understanding. There is a lot about law enforcement the general public does not understand unless you have lived it yourself. 

As I write this I am thinking of the fine men and women of the Dallas Police Department on the loss they have suffered of losing officers in a premeditated attack. Back in the 1990’s, I would go and visit my now late fiancee in Dallas and had the opportunity to interact with the very professional officers of the Department. They were some of the finest I had come across. They are hurting right now and need our support as they deal with the events that took place July 7th 2016. I ask that you pray and think about the families of the officers lost and those that are still keeping you safe. The families go through so much that you may not realize. When I got hurt my fiancee cried on the plane ride from Texas to Georgia worrying how I was and how bad I was hurt. Even before I was hurt she would worry about me knowing the job and the dangers and it took a toll on her. These families are now going through this same thing and some are going through a more difficult time with funerals to plan and attend to say goodbye to their loved ones for the last time. Christian Chaplains are being flown in from around the nation to help comfort members of the Dallas Police Department and the families of those who lost family members and had others who were wounded.

So, please I ask you to stop the madness of bashing law enforcement until you know the facts. And if you can’t do that then if you're on my Facebook friends list I will delete you as a friend and hope you can learn to understand, so you understand the wrong you are doing. 

Alfred Britt.

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