Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Primary Season is upon us and in full swing

The Primary Season is upon us and in full swing.
When going to vote for a candidate for the President of the United States, it doesn't matter which party you are identifying with, what matters is that you are voting.  Pick a candidate that best covers what you want in a President and ask questions and do research on that candidate.  Ask why they want the job, who are they, what type of life and qualifications do they possess, where are their morals based upon and look at their standing on important issues.
Check to see who is backing and supporting this person.  Are these backers wanting favors later?  Do you see problems with those who lobby for them?  Are there serious issues with their demeanor?
Just remember that whomever you pick to vote for in the primary can possibly and ultimately become the next President of the United States after the election in November.  Please do some serious thinking on the future of this nation that has been through so much and needs to gain further momentum into a new era for our country.  Hopefully, this nation will move further to the side of right and gain more moral fiber to itself instead of being lead by a handful who have squandered the life from our nation.
Remember also it doesn't matter if you are Democrat, Republican, Independent, or Libertarian all these titles will not make the person.  The person is whom is inside and lives and breathes just as you do.  Please above all get out and vote if you are registered because it is your right to do so and that is the way to make changes in the status quo of our existence.

Pastor Dr. Mike Moon, D.D.

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