Thursday, July 30, 2015

Henry County BOC Stabs Citizens In The Back

Thank you for having a place for the people to voice their real thoughts.  I was at the BOC meeting on Wednesday morning when the millage rate was set.  The chairman Mr. Smith and district three Mr. Barham voted against the type of roll back that will cost us more in taxes due to the big jump in property tax values.  But you try to sell your home what they claim it is worth and you will be badly disappointed.  Here is what was said according to the Henry Herald Newspaper: “Commissioners could have chosen to keep the millage rate at 14.298 but it would have cost the taxpayers more. It would have generated an excess of $2.4 million in the unassigned fund balance. If commissioners had approved a 100 percent rollback to 13.234 to generate the same amount in taxes as last year, the county’s unassigned fund balance would be about $1.157 million below the required 25 percent, according to county projections. Smith has maintained that he campaigned on not
 raising property taxes. However, Commissioner Brian Preston argued that Smith created the budget that was approved, which would require an increase. Smith countered that the needed funds could come from the reserve account, and that the numbers presented are merely projections of what may or may not happen regarding dipping into the unassigned fund balance. Commissioner Blake Prince said he would not support taking money from reserves in the future, which could potentially cause a government shut down. After discussions, Smith asked for a motion to approve a millage rate, but after a long silence, no motion was made. Interim County Manager Cheri Hobson-Matthews attempted to speak more on the millage options in an effort to get a motion when Commissioner Bruce Holmes made the motion to approve the millage rollback to 13.873. Preston seconded the motion.”  Always remember when you are shelling out those hard earned dollars for taxes that Commissioners
 Holmes, Preston, Moss and Prince put them upon your backs.  They had their minds made up long before these public hearings were held.  They are a pathetic bunch if they think the public is that stupid.  Remember all this if these money grubbers decide to run for public office again.  They have no place in handling the money of the people of these county whom they swore an oath to represent.
Patricia McNeill,  Ellenwood resident.

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