Thursday, August 21, 2014

Henry County's Homeless Problem

According to a report recently released the homeless in America currently stands at 3% of the population.  That means we have an estimated 10.5 million people who are homeless.  Out of that 3% we have at least 1% who would live no other way.  But the other 2% are people who have lost their homes due to the economy.  This means that we have 7 million men, women and children who are living in wooded areas, behind buildings and under bridges in America.  This is a pitiful situation.

Following these estimates then with Henry County having a population of 215,000 people then there are some 4,300 people living without a home in our area.  This sounds ridiculous to some, but it is a fact.  Check the wooded areas in any part of the county, look under interstate bridges, look in cars in parking lots, and look behind buildings where make shift card board homes are constructed.

Henry County does a fine job of supporting a shelter for battered women, but we need a homeless shelter to help people get back on their feet again.  With all the empty buildings in the county there could be a homeless shelter set up to take care of these people.  Either this can be supported by the county or cities in the community or it can be supported by the local churches.  This is something that will not disappear with waving a magic wand.  Just because you have lost your job and home doesn’t make you a bad person.  For example: we have a situation developing in McDonough with the announcement of the upcoming closing of the Briggs & Stratton or Snapper Lawnmower plant.  This will effect 475 families.  Some of these families will become homeless because some of these people will not be able to find work as quickly as they would like.

Maybe the county and cities should put together a volunteer group to find a way to help create a homeless shelter in Henry County.  An idea to help others who are less fortunate is not something that was just though of.  Two thousand years ago Jesus taught men and women to care for the less fortunate and to help them make their lives whole again.  Surely in this day of computerized thinking man should be able to figure out that if you have a building sitting empty and decaying, it would be worth helping others with it and the owner can show a write off on their taxes for charity.  The world revolves around money so maybe that would be an incentive to help those who need it desperately.

Pastor Dr. Mike Moon

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