Saturday, March 31, 2018

Liberalism in Hampton, GA

 "Liberalism in Hampton, GA"
Henry County has once again made national news twice in one week.  Another embarrassing saga to the county in a long line of embarrassments in the past few years.  This time it began with a teacher at Hampton Middle School getting their students to write a letter to the Congress and supporting gun control.  Here we have a teacher putting their own political view into the school subject they are supposed to be teaching and using the students to promote their agenda.  We have learned the letters did not go to Washington.  But the teacher is still teaching at the school.  Why?  Then, we have another teacher who has had a rant in her class about make President Trump wanting to make America great again is taking us back to segregation.  This woman was recorded ranting on and on with her own racist remarks towards the white children in the class.  Again she is still teaching at the school.  Why?   If a white history teacher spoke about the Confederacy being a good government and good thing for the south he would be put on leave and then fired because the liberal faction in the county would rise up and say that is racist.  All this is occurring once again in District 2 of Henry County.  The same district where the commissioner made sure the Civil War Museum would be gone from Nash Farm.  She had her own agenda there by making sure her liberal friend has the "farmers market" or flea market there.    Some of this happening at the Hampton Middle School is also likely linked to the progressive liberals who have been elected to that city's council.  This looks and has the earmarks of a coordinated attack upon the people of the 2nd district of Henry County.  It is time for the parents to go to the Board of Education of Henry County and ask for the removal of those teachers involved in this activity at the school.  This is going to cause more racial division in the area because the teachers who are promoting this agenda know that by feeding the mind of the young will hopefully inflame them to want to be radical and liberal in their views towards society.

The Staff

Friday, March 23, 2018

Henry County Has A Problem

Henry County has a problem with the government and those who work for the county.  According to a recent article in the Henry Daily Herald, the county management relieved Fire Chief Nish Willis of her duties.  In other words they let her go.  She was a veteran fireman with many years of experience with the LaGrange Fire Dept, City of Atlanta Fire Dept and as Fire Chief of the Riverdale, GA Fire Dept.   According to those who worked for her at Henry County she was doing an excellent job.  She was also proposing adding more people to the be on the fire trucks.

That might be the crux of the problem here.  She was wanting to hire more people to work for the Henry County Fire Dept.  Since the county doesn't like to hire too many people to handle essential services for the county such as the fire dept and the Henry County Police Dept., that goes against the grain of what they are doing on the BoC.  And the county manager has the authority to hire and fire since the legislature took that away from the BoC chairperson.  They want your tax money, but they have a shortage of employees at both the police and fire services.
There has also been discussion about her wanting the flags removed from the fire trucks.  Interesting that this would come up since it was reported on when it happened last year not too much was made of it then.  She wasn't let go for this.  She was let go because she was taking the fire dept in the right direction and the county wanted a left hand turn instead.  

These are the types of decisions you want to remember as you go to the polls for the upcoming elections.  Because these people on the BoC hire the county manager and those who work for them.  And no government is better than it's leadership.  That is why there is so much discord on the BoC from time to time, as well as, with the city councils of the cities in the county.  Trouble seems to flare up a lot in each city in the county a good deal and this doesn't need to continue because it is letting you the citizen down by the lack of good government and essential services.  

The Staff